Wednesday, 6 January 2021

How to Stay Mentally Fit During The Pandemic

There’s no doubt about it, 2020 has been a tough year, and the pandemic that has in many ways defined the year has touched just about everyone on the planet in one way or another. With gyms closed and many people’s fitness routines upended, there’s been much talk of how to stay physically fit in such challenging times, but what about mental fitness? The team here at Hearfind thought we’d bring you a few tips to keep your mental fitness up, along with your physical fitness.

Make time to exercise. Wait, didn’t we say these tips were for mental fitness? Well, they are, and the fact of the matter is that exercise provides a big boost to mental health, not just physical health. Exercise also helps regulate and improve sleep, it can improve mood through the release of chemicals in the brain, and it can increase overall energy levels too.

Make time for friends and family. We may have to physically distance, but that doesn’t mean we can’t communicate. Despite the Zoom fatigue that we’re all feeling, human connection is more important now than ever, and extra effort should be made to stay in touch with those we love any way we can.

Find your personal rituals. It’s the smallest things that can make the biggest differences. Personal rituals, be they anything from an evening walk around the neighborhood to an afternoon cup of tea, can help us feel grounded and provide structure in an otherwise overwhelming time.

Looking for your daily dose of happiness? Visit our online library at Hearfind for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

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