Thursday, 6 August 2020

The Case for the Malleable Morning Routine

Morning routines: Most people have them, and most of them vary from person to person. Some people like to get up early in the morning, setting their alarm clocks for the crack of dawn, others prefer to sleep in, often setting no alarm at all. Some like to start their day with exercise, others with a nice leisurely breakfast. Some people like to spend some time on themselves, taking the morning to read and relax, while others like to rush off and get straight to work. There’s no one morning routine that’s right for everyone, but is there even one specific morning routine that’s right for you? The answer, it can be argued, is no.

Keeping your morning routine malleable can help you adapt to whatever goal you’re working towards in the moment. Are you looking to get yourself into great shape? You can adapt your morning routine to exercise first thing in the morning or start with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, at least for a time. Have a major project to finish up at work? You can adapt your morning routine so that you get to work right away, at least until the project is done. The same goes for times where you find yourself in need of some rest and relaxation, you can always adapt your morning routine in order to start out slow and take some time for yourself.

Ultimately, the best morning routine is the routine that works best for you, and that may change regularly given your circumstances. The trick is to always be in tune with your own needs, and to adapt accordingly.

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