Thursday, 16 July 2020

Taking Care of Yourself. In Real Terms

Between your job, your family, your social life, your errands, your bills, and everything else you need to take care of on a daily basis, it can be all too easy to forget to take care of yourself. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some real ways you can take care of yourself that you can start doing right away.

Focus on right now. Deadlines at work, an upcoming family dinner, that weekend getaway you were planning with friends or a loved one, it’s all too easy to let what’s to come dominate your thoughts and mental energy. The results? You feel tired, burnt out, unable to focus on the now. Making right now a priority, however, can help you clear them mental clutter, focus on what’s at hand, and ultimately feel better at the end of the day.

Get a good night’s sleep. You’ve heard it a thousand times before, and you’ll hear it again and again: good sleep is essential to good health, both physical and mental. Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when we’re busy, when it’s in fact the last thing we should do without. Aim for a solid eight hours of quality sleep every night, and you’ll find yourself feeling better as soon as the first day.

Stop and breathe. Finally, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to do nothing more than clear your thoughts and connect with your breath. Remember that not everything has to get done right now, and you can always take a few moments to take care of yourself.

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