It feels like Netflix release new content on a rear-daily basis these days, and with plenty of other streaming services competing by releasing content of their own, the choice can be downright overwhelming, and the result is often night after night of binge watching. The negative health effects of too much sitting still in front of the tv are well documented and range from eye strain to back pain, weight gain to long term health risks, but odds are we’re going to do it anyway. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, however, here are three quick suggestions to make your binge watching just a little bit healthier.
Skip the snacks. For many of us binge watching goes hand in hand with binge eating, but those extra calories during a period of inactivity really take their toll. Consider switching to healthier snacks like fruits and vegetable, or better yet, skipping the snacks altogether.
Selective seating. If you’re going to be sitting for hours on end, you might as well make your body do some work as well. Rather than laying out of the couch, consider sitting on a balance ball for a bit of a workout while you watch.
Walking breaks. When a marathon is in the works, consider taking walking breaks at regular intervals. It doesn’t have to be much, maybe a 10-15 minute walking break every 2-3 episodes, just to keep the blood flowing and the body moving.
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