Wednesday, 26 September 2018

8 Indoor Plants That Can Improve Your Health

Plants have always been seen as beautiful little additions to people’s homes that enhance the look and feel of their personal spaces. There is, however, another great thing about plants that many don’t know about; some plants can actually improve your health just by being there! Here are 6 indoor plants that can make your home happier and healthier:

1. Aloe

Many people know of the Aloe plant’s medicinal properties that help heal wounds and soothe sunburns, but it can also help with the air quality in your home. It helps clear pollutants and chemicals in the air such as benzene from cleaning products and even formaldehyde from cigarette smoke.

2. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is definitely a powerful plant. Not only can it survive with very little effort on your part, but it also absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen in the air at night. It’s perfect to have in your bedroom to improve your sleep quality.

3. Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is probably one of the most common houseplants out there. They’re easy to take care of, and they look nice, too! They’re also really good at purifying the air from pollutants. They can absorb 90% of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in the air, leaving your home fresher and leaving you worry-free!

4. Lavender

Lavender is a popular choice for people because of its great scent. Not only does it have relaxing properties, but it's also known to reduce anxiety, which, in turn, helps with sleeping better at night. It’s a popular bedroom plant, but because it can be quite potent, usually a small one will do the trick!

5. English Ivy

It’s no wonder the English Ivy is a popular choice for indoor plants because of its beautiful rustic look. Aside from that, it’s also known to be the number one best air filtering plant out there. From its incredible absorption of mold and animal feces in the air to reducing allergens, this power plant is a superhero in the plant world.

6. Pothos

The Pothos plant is incredibly easy to maintain, that’s why it’s one of the most popular indoor plants to have. As the plant grows into beautiful long vines, it’s a perfect addition to make your home that much more elegant. Although the Pothos plant isn’t the most powerful air purifying plant out there, it does help clear formaldehyde from the air, as well as convert carbon monoxide into oxygen for a better sleep!

There are so many other houseplants you can acquire to add some simple elegance to your home while improving your health at the same time. If you’re interested in learning more about how plants work, try reading Plants: A Very Short Introduction, by Timothy Walker. The author gives an extensive look into the evolution of plants and how they’ve become an essential part of our everyday lives. Feel free to browse through our online library,, to discover more!

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